Thu.21.MarBasement Hall

Slam Aleikum 21.03

International Day Against Racism & World Poetry Day

On March 21st, the focus worldwide is on tolerance and the fight against racism and discrimination. Also on March 21st, it is UNESCO World Poetry Day.

Two compelling reasons for Voem, Vermeylenfonds, De Centrale, and Amal to join forces for a Slam Aleikum edition.

Expect a powerful lineup full of word art: engaged poetry, spoken word, comedy, storytelling, and rap. And of course, the open mic where everyone gets the stage for 5 minutes.

Org. Amal, Voem, Vermeylenfonds & De Centrale


Thursday 21 March 2024

  • doors.7:30 pm
  • start . 8:00 pm

Free entrance, but show up on time because places are limited.

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KADER ABDOLAH . Wat je zoekt, zoekt jou