Thu.28.MarTurbine Hall

Dann Dolé // Between the Rains . #AFF24

Africa Film Festival Ghent 2024

  • Short documentary: Dann DolĂ© (RĂ©silience) by Pierre Maurice Lopy
    (Senegal, 2022) (12 min.)
    Spoken: Wolof / Subtitled: English

    Ndeye Aminata Seck, a mother of three, wakes up early every day to prepare and sell meals at her food stall from morning to evening to provide for her family. The film is a testimony to the power of independence, ambition and willpower.
  • Main documentary: Between the Rains by Andrew H. Brown and Moses Thuranira
    (Kenya/United States, 2023) (82 min.)
    Spoken: Swahili / Subtitled: English

    This visually stunning documentary tells the story of the Turkana community who, during a period of prolonged drought in northern Kenya, increasingly face violent clashes with rival groups hunting their livestock. The film follows Kolei, a shepherd boy who tries to adapt to the radically changing climatic conditions in his pastoral region. The young man not only struggles with his position as a warrior, he also questions the erosion of the culture that has shaped every aspect of his life. This moving coming-of-age story captivatingly shows how climate change threatens one of the world's oldest communities.
  • Post-screening discussion led by Annelies Verdoolaege (Africa Platform, Ghent University)

The Afrika Film Festival Ghent is an initiative of the Africa Platform of the Ghent University Association in collaboration with De Centrale, Senegal Bantamba, KoumaLink, S-EAU-S SAHEL, HOURRA!!! Burkina Faso, and of course, the Afrika Film Festival Leuven.

Afrika Filmfestival Gent 2024


Thursday 28 March 2024

Doors open at 7:30 pm
Starts at 8:00 pm

  • Short documentary . Dann Dolé (12 min.)
  • Main documentary . Between the Rains (1hr. 22 min.)

Presale . €8
Presale with Uitpas, under 18s & groups . €5
At the door . €11
Reduced rate . €2.20