For the occasion of International Womens Day (08/03) De Centrale invites Yasemin Göksu and Ilkay Akkaya ,two strong Turkish women who have more than just something small to say. Both singers are extremely engaged in social issues such as human and womens’ rights and freedom of expression. Yasemin Göksu is a seasoned artist, a singer with a powerful voice, and an expressive style of singing. She released various albums, mainly with contemporary interpretations of Turkish folk music. . İlkay Akkaya is a very respected protest singer and activist from Istanbul who is known for her engagement and determination. She started her musical career with the illustrious protest group Yorum. Today she is still one of the strongholders of that other popular group Kızılırmak (named after a poem of Hasan Hüseyin Korkmazgil), she founded together with Tuncay Akdoğanen and İsmail İlknur in the beginnings of the ‘90’s. Both ladies already have a long singing career behind them, what will undoubtedly be translated in an exciting and varied program with songs from all corners of Turkey , in which intimistic moments will be alternated with vivid dance numbers, from a retrospective of Turkish protest music over troubadour songs to halay ( Turkish rei dance) . Come and celebrate international Womens Day In De Centrale.
Ilkay Akkaya : vocals
Yasemin Göksu : vocals
Ayhan Orhuntaş : guitar
Levent Canon : bass guitar
Fırat Özyavuz : drums
Erdi Aslan: duduk, zurna, mey, flute, saxofone
Önder Tunç : bağlama
Sırrı Laçin : bağlama, electro-bağlama, bouzouki
Sunday 06 March 2016
Doors: 7:30 pm
Start concert: 8:00 pm
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