Under the denominator La Lettre A Boekhandel Limerick, Victoria Deluxe and De Centrale organize a literary project focussing on the work of autors with a migratory background.
Our language area has many outstanding young and older writers, but the voice of authors with a migratory background is heard too little. Yet, in the big cities there are more and more children with a migration background in the elementary schools. Them too become the readers and storytellers of tomorrow. Literature is the perfect resource to let other and new voices proclaim their perspective on the world.
In the season 2016-2017 Boekhandel Limerick, Victoria Deluxe en De Centrale team up . We organize 4 literary evenings on which each time an author with a migratory background presents and discusses his/ her book. Each night is introduced by a leading voice that represents the faith in a resilient and diverse society.
For this 3rd session Dyab Abou Jahjah is coming to De Centrale.
Dyab Abou Jahjah seeks connection with the radical voices in the political debat : to make change possible he pleads for a more fundamental questioning of the foundations of our society. With that he makes a division between utopic radicalism, reactionary radicalism, and constructive radicalism, with which he chooses convincedly for the latter form.
Dyab Abou Jahjah is no soft healer.His Plea for radicalization is an extremely urgent call to question our deepest self-evidences.
Thursday 23 February 2017
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