When she is seven years old, Marika needs to move with her family. They are deported from Smyrna in Turkey to the far away Greece. It is the start of a turbulent life, in night clubs and bars, where Marika’s parents get to work as singers. You follow her through a life filled with political and familial troubles, but also full of love , far away travels and arousing music. This musical drama is loosely based on the life of the popular Greek-Armenian singer, Marika Ninou (1918 - 1957). Based on her story, larded with folk songs or rebetika, it crosses forty turbulent years of Greek history, starting in 1917.
Directed by: Costas Ferris | 1983 | English subtitled (Greek spoken) | Silver Bear Berlinale 1984 | Soundtrack by Stavros Xarchakos
Monday 14 November 2016
doors 7:30PM
start 8:00PM
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