Water and the lack of it.
The rain, the sea, rivers, springs, nymphs, drops, tears, the water of the body, the body in the water, the castaway, the sailor, the immigrant, the drowned.
«Those are pearls that were his eyes»
The song of Ariel
Our body
Savina Yannatou and Primavera en Salonico, together with Lamia Bedioui from Tunesia, embark on an exploration of 'water' by way of song. Songs in a variety of languages which pass on traditions and myths about water in relation to life and death, to desire and purification, to fertility and magic.
The world of the desert is being brought to life through songs in the Arabic language and the dialects of the beduins by Lamia Bedioui with her characteristic sound colour. These pieces co-exist and intertwine with songs mostly from the Mediterranean region and of various time periods – from the renaissance until modern times.
Oud, quanun, violin, accordion, double bass and different percussion instruments accompany the voices, always with a contemporary approach balancing with tradition, playful arrangements and free improvisation. This results in the unique sound of the staggering Athens-born singer Savina Yannatou together with her ensemble 'Primavera en Salonico'.
Savina Yannatou . voice
Lamia Bedioui . voice
Primavera en Salonico:
Kostas Vomvolos . kanonaki (quanun), accordion
Haris Lambrakis . nay
Kyriakos Gouventas . violin
Yannis Alexandris . oud
Michalis Siganidis . double bass
Kostas Theodorou . percussion
Sunday 19 March 2023
doors 7:30 pm
concert 8:00 pm
presale €20
presale w/Uitpas, -18y. & groups +10 €17
box office €23
opportunity rate €4,60
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