Wed.31.OctBasement Hall

Dia de los Muertos #04

Thee Andrew Surfers - La Banda Fantastica - dj Pedrolito

For the 4th consecutive year, we bring one of the most beautiful and soulfull traditions from Mexico to Ghent. La Banda Fantastica, a sextet from Amsterdam with musicians from Chile, Mexico and Argentina, bring the pure Latin-American cumbia to Ghent!
Día de los muertos is the day on which the dead are remembered and conmemorated.Curious whether they will come down to De Centrale tonight as well?
Line up:
Mariachi Los Guapos (MEX) vs. Thee Andrew Surfers (BEL) - La Banda Fantastica (MEX/ARG/CHI) - dj Pedrolito Radioglobal (ARG)