With the celebration of Hıdırellez 2023, we have raised an impressive amount of €13,574 for the housing project 'Klein Gent - The Warmest Village' by Helping Hands - Belgium in Kırıkhan. This special edition of Hıdırellez was dedicated to solidarity and aimed to support the victims of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Thanks to the initiative 'Klein Gent - The Warmest Village', in which various organizations from Ghent have contributed, we have supported the housing project by Helping Hands - Belgium in Kırıkhan, located in the Hatay region. The goal of this campaign was to purchase at least 300 housing units by mid-May, providing a new home for over 1000 people.

With Hıdırellez 2023, we have raised an impressive €13,574 for this project. We sincerely thank all participants, artists, staff, and the audience for their fantastic support. Your contribution was amazing!


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