Hilde De Clercq

Welcome to this special series of classes designed for children who love drumming! We will be working with the darbuka, a hand-played drum. You will learn the basic skills of this instrument and we will work together on rhythms that we learn by listening. Reading sheet music or having prior musical knowledge is not necessary. The most important thing is to have fun while playing!

Hilde De Clercq is a very versatile musician. She has a background in both Western music and Eastern percussion and singing. But what she really loves is Turkish music! As a percussionist, singer, and movement artist, she is involved in various ensembles. She regularly performs at concerts with Turkish musicians in Belgium and has also toured in Turkey and Europe.

But Hilde does much more than just making music! She has created various exciting children's performances, works as a vocal coach for 'Allez, Chantez!', and is involved in programming various Turkish music channels for a digital music provider called Stingray. She is truly a busy bee!

So get ready to have a great time drumming with Hilde in these classes. It's going to be an awesome musical journey filled with joy and rhythm!


Bağlama Kids . all levels [8-12]
Wednesday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Percussion Kids . level 1 [6-12]
Wednesday 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Percussie Kids . level 2 [6-12]
Wednesday 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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Check all data (Darbuka kids level 1)
Check all data (Darbuka kids level 2)


€90 (standard)
€18 (opportunity rate)

Subscriptions Afgesloten Subscriptions Darbuka kids level 1 Afgesloten Subscriptions Darbuka kids level 2 Afgesloten